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'Get & Forget' doesn't work (Part 2) - Training must be AGILE

Updated: Sep 24, 2021

team training on a new software or application must be fun, focused & applied

Training is the under-estimated stooge of technology implementation. In many workplaces, its success relies on the expertise of a learner who is at the beginning of the change journey - overwhelmed by new circumstances, needing to adapt and having to manage existing work challenges.

An agile approach to training and development of teams, provides measurable outcomes & transparency in understanding if newly implemented systems are meeting the needs they were intended to. In the previous article, we suggested a 5 step approach to software training. It is rooted in the idea that

  1. Teams who enjoy using their tools, produce better results, save time & create opportunities to grow revenue.

  2. Comprehension occurs when learning is fun, focused and applied to existing work scenarios

Training that does not result in new behavior & measurable outcomes is a red flag for any business. It indicates a failure of the implementation process & not of the user.

Training must be a wholesome experience of learning and create changed behaviour

Create a Plan

  • Schedule time for training - this could weekly, monthly, quarterly or however you need, depending on the learning being given & the impact expected

  • Diary training times & ensure they’re in everyone's calendars

    • Initial Product Training - usually done immediately after installation of the new software

    • Revision Product Training - can be scheduled 3-6 months after installation

    • Workflow Training - will have most impact when done within the first month of installation

    • Mastery Training - can be run as a master class during team get-togethers or scheduled yearly.

    • Alerts Training - these reinforcements can be incorporated into weekly or monthly meetings. Schedule 5 or 10 minutes to mention inefficiencies that have been noticed & the corrections required.

    • Hacks & Hidden Magic - these are great to share in your company newsletter or team chatrooms

  • Use recordings, videos & existing content to re-train teams. Very often your service providers are happy to provide you with online webinars & content they already use.

  • Every re-training session, pick between 3-5 criteria to focus on. Remembering too much information is overwhelming for anyone.

  • A little bit of fun goes a long way to making learning effective.

Measure & Evaluate

  • How were things done before the new software

  • What were the benefits of the old way

  • How has the new technology changed things

  • What’s gotten better? What’s gotten worst?

  • Has there been any new insights or outcomes that never existed before?

  • Has the new technology solved the problems it was meant to?

  • Has it created new skill requirements?


  • Share the learnings of your evaluation with your service providers. Technology companies rely on honest customer feedback to better their products & implementation processes.

  • Share learnings with senior managers & team leaders to create an understanding of the impact of new technology on business outcomes and overall revenue.


RevenueGen helps tourism businesses transform their distribution & data narrative to generate better revenue outcomes.

We work with businesses based on their requirements. We train teams and design reporting that suits their specific needs.

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